Bonnie Gordon

Bonnie Gordon portrait

Bonnie Gordon is a practicing landscape architect and researcher currently tutoring at the University of Melbourne. Bonnie’s emergent research interests are focused on multispecies justice and its implications for design, just transition, and disaster resilience. Additional interests include design activism and more-than-human solidarity. The outcomes of her work have been presented at conferences in 2018 and 2019, with her research paper exploring flood infrastructure and ecosystem decline published in 2021. She was the 2018 recipient of the Steve Calhoun Travelling Scholarship to undertake research in design for coastal resilience. Bonnie holds degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from RMIT University (Australia), and Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Melbourne (Australia).


Gordon, Bonnie J., and Stanislav Roudavski. "More-than-Human Infrastructure for Just Resilience: Learning from, Working with, and Designing for Bald Cypress Trees (Taxodium distichum) in the Mississippi River Delta." Global Environment 14, no. 3 (2021): 442–4.
