Patterns and Agents

Patterns and Agents

Who is at play?

Agents can be living or nonliving. They can emerge for a geological or a biological process as well as from human engineering. We can generalise agents as patterns: temporarily stable patches of order.

Examples of agents include:

  • Cells
  • Organs
  • Organisms
  • Species
  • Taxa
  • Communities
  • Cultures
  • Artificial agents
  • Robots

Agents always exist in collectives, assemblages, networks.


Cavity-Dependent Animals

Parker, Dan, Stanislav Roudavski, Therésa M. Jones, Nick Bradsworth, Bronwyn Isaac, Martin T. Lockett, and Kylie Soanes. "A Framework for Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing of Habitat Structures for Cavity-Dependent Animals." Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2022.

  • Animal behaviour, needs, and preferences inform a computer-aided design framework for generating artificial habitats.
