

Our chapter about more-than-human designing in action and its implications is out in an interesting collection by the Oxford University Press.

Holland, Alexander, and Stanislav Roudavski. ‘Participatory Design for Multispecies Cohabitation: By Trees, for Birds, with Humans’. In Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities: Beyond Sustainability, Towards Cohabitation, edited by Sara Heitlinger, Marcus Foth, and Rachel Clarke, 93–128. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. DOI:

Our article about the innovative use of high-fidelity lase scanning, computational feature recognition, and bird observation in application to learning about the meaning of large old trees is out in the Biological Conservation journal.

Analysed trees

A brief article describing the research in The Conversation is here.


An article on artificial habitats that mentions our work appears in Undark In Search of Safer Refuge: The Challenges of Replicating Nature, The Atlantic The Quest to Build a Better Birdhouse, and Mother Jones Inside scientists' race to create safe refuges for animals.

Our collaborative project called Kummargi Gadhaba Yulendj Tarrang (roughly translated as "the knowledge of these trees is rising up") is exhibited at the Melbourne Museum in the exhibition called More Than a Tarrang (tree): Memory, Material and Cultural Agency

An article that mentions our owl project is published in Artenschutz: Künstlicher Wohnraum für heimatlose Tiere, in German.


Stanislav Roudavski edited a section in issue 3 of Architect Victoria journal. Titled "Design for All Life" (begins on page 32), it is a representative overview of issues in more-than-human designed with an excellent group of contributing authors. Our own Dan parker and Kylie Soanes have contributed two of the ten articles.

Our work is featured in the ABC Catalyst TV program called The Secret Lives of Our Urban Birds.
